Want to be more productive? Book a vacation, experts say

Want to be more productive? Book a vacation, experts say

As the world has begun to ease from strict lockdowns, we might think that clinicians are also taking it easy, as well— booking flights and going on vacations abroad. However, according to the National Health Services, the level of stress and burnout among healthcare workers are still high, affecting their productivity in the workplace. Apart from the pressures of coping from the pandemic, professionals in the healthcare industry from various parts of the country are also faced with the problem of staff shortage, which also greatly affects the quality of care that they provide to their patients.
At Olive Travel, we believe that vacations are necessary not only for overall wellness but also to help boost one’s productivity and improve service quality. And the experts agree, too.

How Vacations Boost Productivity

Decrease Stress Levels

We can all agree that vacations are fun. Going on a holiday to some exotic destination or travelling to popular tourist spots can allow us to destress. In a University of California study, researchers saw that there is a significant decrease in stress markers among workers who went on either a meditation-type retreat and a traditional resort holiday. Furthermore, detaching oneself from work regularly provides crucial recovery time both physically and mentally, allowing us to feel more refreshed and enjoy more positive outcomes at work, according to an article from Harvard Business Review.

Builds Resilience

Aside from lowering stress levels, time away from work and mentally disengaging from the workplace could also help build our resilience. A study published in the American Psychology Association revealed that being able to detach from the demands of work outside the workplace is directly linked to our ability to perform. Simply put, the more we take breaks, the lower our stress levels turn out to be. Booking a vacation and taking time away from the pressures of the daily grind builds our resilience, making us more effective in facing the challenges and pressures in the workplace.

Improves Problem-solving Skills

Have you been experiencing brain fogs while working at your tasks? That could be a sign that you need to take a break.

According to research, enjoying a new scenery can increase positive emotions which then sparks creativity, spur interest, and unlock new perspectives. Booking a flight to a holiday destination provides new experiences which allows us to broaden our creative muscles and see the world with renewed outlook both in our professional and personal lives.

Strengthens The Body

The University of California research also revealed that as stress levels decrease, one’s immune system improves which helps in strengthening the body’s defence against sickness-causing infections. As a result, you would need less time for sick days and more time to enjoy life in and outside of work.

Not All Holidays Are Created Equal

However, going on a holiday could also be stressful, especially if the trip is poorly planned. According to Harvard Business Review, stressful vacations can actually eliminate the benefits of travelling for pleasure. The article further states that making social connections, going to a destination that is far from work, and feeling safe while on holiday is very much likely to reap positive outcomes at work.
Olive Travel takes the stress out of your holiday. With our personalised travel concierge services, you can ensure that you get the most out of your vacation. We take care of everything, from booking your flights, making reservations, to planning your trip down to the tiniest detail. Book your vacation with Olive Travel— a happier, more productive life awaits you after each trip.