Travel Hacks from Top Travel Bloggers All Over the World

Travel Hacks from Top Travel Bloggers All Over the World

Travelling is a serious business. So who better to ask about how to travel like a pro but top travel bloggers and content creators all over the world. In this blog, we compiled tips, hacks, advice, and inspiration on all things related to travelling from travel bloggers who have been different destinations all over the world.

On what to do before travelling solo:

“It can be fun to add a little spontaneity into your solo trip, but the best solo travel tip is to do your research and show up well-prepared so that you don’t miss anything you’re hoping to experience.
Now I may be biased, but in my opinion, one of the best ways to do research about your solo travel destination is to read blogs. These articles are typically written by people who have first-hand knowledge about the destination. You can even try reaching out to the blogger with any questions or concerns.”
– Jessie, Jessie On A Journey

On adventure trips:

“If you really want to get a feel for the pulse of a place, one of my favorite travel tips is to spend a few hours sitting in a park or on a busy street corner by yourself just watching day to day life happen in front of you.
Slow down your train of thought and pay close attention to the details around you. The smells, the colors, human interactions, and sounds. It’s a kind of meditation — and you’ll see stuff you never noticed before. You’ll really absorb the destination this way, and remember these moments long after you leave.”
– Matt, Expert Vagabond

On planning vacations with kids and seniors:

“Multi-generational vacations require being aware of and sensitive to any issues that may make it different for the people on the trip to get around. Sometimes, traveling with older people means that limited mobility is a reality, so it’s important to be considerate of this by planning.
The safety and happiness of the entire group is key when organizing a multi-gen family trip, so try to stick to destinations that either don’t pose problems with those unable to move around easily, or identify places that have alternatives for getting from point A to point B. This is why having a rental car is both convenient and efficient!”
– Oneika, Oneika The Traveller

On taking the best photos even on crowded tourist spots:

“This is a key strategy both for avoiding the rush of tourists and beating the sometimes unbearable heat. The gates open at 8 am and there are a lot of perks to being the first one in the door.
I would definitely recommend getting there two hours ahead of time to avoid as many crowds as possible and let yourself time to soak it all in. If you are coming in the summer, getting in before the afternoon heat is so important.”
– Kiki, The Blonde Abroad

On saving money while traveling:

“Finding discount codes and deals is not limited to car rentals. If there’s any activity you want to do, search for a discount.”
– Derek, Wandering Earl
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On overcoming travel fears:

“I’m smart, I’m capable, and I have common sense. If other people can travel the world, why can’t I? What makes me think I lack the skills? I realized that there was no reason I couldn’t do what these other people did. I was just as good as everyone else.
Don’t doubt yourself. You got by in your life just fine now. The same will be true when you travel.”
– Matt, Nomadic Matt

On staying fit while travelling:

“Avoid the urge to take the nearest bus, tram, or train to get to your next destination if in case it’s just a few kilometers away. Do NOT give in — just put on some comfy shoes and do it on foot! In this way, you will get some exercise AND you will also save some money from your travel fund.”
– Aileen, I Am Aileen

On getting a travel insurance:

“Personally, we would never travel, anywhere in the world, without travel insurance – even for a day. You just never know what could happen!
Just because it hasn’t happened, doesn’t mean it never will. And Sod’s Law would guarantee that the one time you don’t buy it…”
– Andrew and Emily, Along Dusty Roads

On getting inspired through books:

“I spent a good amount of time alternating between writing articles on blog and reading a ton of travel books during the first lockdown in April 2020 to distract me from the fact that traveling is no longer possible…”
– Pete R., Bucketlistly

On sustainable travel:

“So, a number of organisations and airlines actually allow you to offset your carbon footprint by donating your loyalty miles or cash to NGOs that will help environmental projects around the world.
Organisations like Carbon Footprint can help you calculate your carbon footprint, donate money and then choose projects to support. This all makes it much easier than trying to sort it out by yourself.”
– Yaya and Lloyd, Hand Luggage Only
There you have it! Keep these things in mind to help you travel like a pro. For a truly stress-free holiday planning, why not get your own travel concierge? Talk to us and let us know where you want to go and we can craft a unique holiday experience for you and your
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